November 17


Last week we finished our skeletal system and muscular system unit as we finished our tests. We had to make skeleton posters and label the different muscles and bones. My friend and I made a song to memorize the different bones. After we finished that unit, we moved on to the digestive system unit. We have an assignment to make postcards from different “stations” of the digestive system.

Here’s what I’ve learned so far: the mouth uses both mechanical and chemical digestion to break down your food. You chew to make your food smaller and easier to digest (mechanical digestion) and your salivary glands make saliva that is full of enzymes which break down sugars, starches, and fats (chemical digestion). The esophagus’s muscles go into peristalsis and move the food lumps into your stomach. That is what I have so far in my postcards!

What does peristalsis look like?

What would it be like to travel through the digestive system?

What animal has the most teeth?