May 4

4/26 Light Pollution

This week we learned about light pollution. Light pollution is a problem affecting the world. Light pollution is the problem of having lights that make the sky glow and keep animals up at night. The lights from street lamps, buildings, homes, and more make the night sky bright. It can effect animals, who have specific day and night cycles and migratory cycles. For example: sea turtles can get confused when they try to lay their eggs on beaches and can end up on the road. The sea turtle hatchlings can also end up going the wrong direction because they are used to following the light of the moon. 


Birds (who have migratory cycles during the night) are used to following the stars to migrate can get disoriented and thrown off course because of city lights. The light show tribute to 9/11 disoriented flocks of birds for years killing many. In 2010, though, volunteers watched the light show and shut off the lights if there were over 1,000 birds or if one was found dead. This solved the problem and from 2010-2018 only 2 birds were found dead by cause of the light show. Light pollution also effects humans. It can throw us off our circadian rhythms. 

What can I do to help solve light pollution?

How long has this really been a problem?

What are the main species of birds effected?

Posted May 4, 2020 by josies2021 in category Uncategorized

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